Top 10 tech companies to work for in 2016

Top 10 tech companies to work for in 2016
By AllTechAdvisor
Company review website Glassdoor has published its annual list of best places to work in 2016 and undoubtedly, tech companies form a major chunk of the coveted compilation.
The annual list, curated on the basis of employee reviews received on the site, ranks AirBnb as the best company to get hired at in the coming year. The home rental startup has dethroned the likes of Google and Facebook for the top spot.
Following AirBnb is Guidewire- a California-based software publisher which ranks third on the list but comes second in the list of tech companies. Facebook ranks 5th followed by LinkedIn and Google at 6th and 8th positions respectively.
Interestingly, Apple and Twitter feature nowhere in the top ten list with their 25th and 26th positions respectively.
Here’s the list of top 10 tech companies to work at in the New Year:
1. Airbnb
Ranked 1 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.6
2. Guidewire
Ranked 3 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.5
3. Hubspot
Ranked 4 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.4
4. Facebook
Ranked 5 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.4
5. LinkedIn
Ranked 6 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.4
6. Google
Ranked 8 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.4
7. Zillow
Ranked 10 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.3
8. World Wide Technology
Ranked 12 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.3
Ranked 14 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.2
10. Expedia
Ranked 16 on the Glassdoor list with a company rating of 4.1

You can check the complete list of top 50 companies to work at in 2016 here.

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