Top 5 Must Have Music Apps of 2015

1. Apple Music
Apple Music
By AllTechAdvisor

A collection of more than 30 million songs spanning different genres of Western and Indian music, this music streaming app is must have for any music lover.
vailable for Android and iOS, Apple Music lets you create playlists, explore Indie music and Featured content by artists, listen to Radio and do much more. 
2. PowerAMP

Do not like the way inbuilt music playing apps perform and play your 320 KBPS mp3 files? PowerAMP can be your savior.
With sleek, intuitive interface and 10-band graphic equalizer, this music playing app lets you listen to your music the way you like it.
Both iOS and Android support PowerAMP and will definitely heighten your entire music experience.

3. Shazam

Liked a particular song but do not know the artist and where you can download it from? Shazam, the music discovery then should be on your phone.
The app not only identifies the song but also tells you from where you can purchase or download the song.
This app is particularly useful for music lovers who do not like to confine themselves to one particular type of music or artist.
4. Music Tutor
Music Tutor

Want to learn music sans a tutor? Well, Music Tutor can definitely take care of this, albeit at basic levels.
Music Tutor is the number one choice of users across the world as far as learning to read and writer musical notes is concerned.
Once you master the notes, applying them to any musical instrument of your choice would be easier.
5. YouTube Music
YouTube Music

There would hardly be any song or musical piece that would not be available on YouTube.
Thus, if you just want to concentrate on the music part, there cannot be anything better than YouTube Music.

Listen and watch endless collection of music streamed through the dedicated YouTube Music app.

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